
Mother holding her baby girl's hands as she walks toward her father
Early intervention service provider and mother watching toddler boy walk with walker

Submit a complaint

You have the right to submit a written, signed complaint if you feel there has been a violation of your rights under Part C of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

A complaint is independently investigated and a written decision is issued within 60 calendar days. During the time a complaint inquiry is underway, your child must continue to receive The Early Steps services currently being provided. The parties involved in a complaint are given the opportunity to review draft reports from the investigation and submit additional information regarding the complaint. Following the 60 day investigation, a written report will be developed which includes:

  • Background information
  • Findings of fact
  • Team conclusions
  • Corrective action(s)
  • A basis for the team’s decision
  • A statement about the right to appeal

Complaints must be submitted to the Early Steps State Office at:

Part C Coordinator
Department of Health
Children’s Medical Services
Early Steps Program Office
4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN# A06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1707

Father, mother and baby boy laughing and smiling together

Sample complaint:


Part C Coordinator
Department of Health
Children’s Medical Services
Early Steps State Office
4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN# A06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1707

Dear Part C Coordinator:

I would like to file a complaint with Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps State Office, because I believe that (name and address of person/agency) has violated Part C requirements. Specifically,

  • (Description of the nature of the problem)
  • (Describe proposed resolution)

I understand that my complaint will be investigated within 60 days and you will contact me for any questions or information you might need.

I may be reached at (list contact information) between (list best hours to be reached).



(Street Address)
(City, State, Zip Code)
(Phone Number)

Include Child’s name and address.

Newborn baby holding onto father's finger