Family Resources

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) | Family Tools

The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a national resource center offering  Parent Training Modules and other tools for families that are focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5.

Florida Division of Early Learning | Family Resources

Part of the Florida Department of Education, the Division of Early Learning dedicates its people, time and energy to ensuring access, affordability and quality of early learning services for the state’s children and families. Information about school readiness childcare services, VPK enrollment,  early education resources, and county contact information can be found here.

Parent to Parent (P2P) USA | Supporting Parents Nationwide

A national network of Parent-to-Parent programs to ensure access to quality emotional support for families of individuals with disabilities and/ or special health care needs.

Technical Assistance and Training System (TATS) – Transition

TATS is a statewide project which supports programs serving prekindergarten children with disabilities by providing technical assistance and training. This support promotes high quality programs leading to positive outcomes for children and their families.


Information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.

Center for Parent Information and Resources

Resources and products related to children with disabilities.

Florida Healthy Start

Referral services and ongoing care coordination and support available to pregnant women, infants and children up to age three.

Family Network on Disabilities

A grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven.

The Family Health Line

A statewide free hotline offering counseling information, helpful community resources and information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth education and other pregnancy related concerns.

Easter Seals Make the First Five Count

A resource to partner with parents in raising a healthy and happy child. Answers questions about child development and helps parents to be aware of the five key growth areas during the critical years before their child starts kindergarten.

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Newborn baby holding onto father's finger