About Early Steps

Child playing with toys while parents watch

About Early Steps

Every child grows and develops at their own pace, but research shows that a child’s first three years are the most important time for learning. Florida’s Early Steps Program provides early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers, from birth to 36-months, with developmental delays, disabilities and at-risk conditions.

We help families build on their child’s individual strengths and provide support to meet each child’s unique needs. Getting help early puts your child on the right path to learn and develop at their full potential.




Research shows that children’s earliest experiences play a critical role in brain development

Babies’ brains require stable, caring and interactive relationships with adults. Positive learning experiences begin at home, but can also be provided in a variety of environments.

When developmental delays or disabilities are identified early, families and Early Steps service providers can work together to help children thrive. A balanced approach to social, emotional, cognitive and language development will best prepare children for success in school and later in the workplace and community.

Early Steps is here for you and your child

Early Steps empowers families through a comprehensive team of professionals that support you from beginning to end of your child’s time in the program. Early intervention services are provided where your child lives, learns and plays so developmentally appropriate learning opportunities can be incorporated into everyday activities and routines.

There is no income requirement to qualify for Early Steps. Services are individualized and based on the needs of your child and family. Most services are provided in your home at no cost to your family.


Interracial father, mother and baby smiling together

Florida Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers

Florida’s Early Steps program, the Florida Department of Health and Children’s Medical Services maintains a statewide interagency coordinating council called the Florida Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers (FICCIT).

FICCIT is authorized and required by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA). Its role is to advise and assist Early Steps in the performance of its responsibilities. FICCIT is composed of governor appointed members who are representative of the state’s population.

Newborn baby holding onto father's finger