ITDS Certificate
The purpose of the Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist (ITDS) Professional Development Program is to ensure that individuals who provide services to young children with special needs and their families, under the Early Steps program, meet the competencies prescribed for the ITDS professional discipline. Successful completion of all six ITDS training modules is required for the ITDS Certificate.
The ITDS Certificate Program will prepare educators, social workers, nurses, and other professionals in human services fields by increasing their knowledge and skills through an interdisciplinary perspective.
For additional information pertaining to ITDS requirements, review Component 10 in the Early Steps Policy Handbook.
ITDS Training Modules
Module 1: Infant Toddler Development
Module 2: Teaming and Systems in Early Intervention
Module 3: Observation and Assessment
Module 4: Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs
Module 5: Partnerships and Alliances with Families and the Community
Module 6: Intervention with Children with Medically Complex Conditions and/or Intensive Special Needs
ITDS Training Module Assessment
Individuals must complete the online assessment for each module to receive a certificate.